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printing press (電動)印刷機;印刷廠。


The internet search engine has done more to advance human knowledge than anything since the printing press - not to mention what it has done for the world of shopping 自印刷機問世以來,網絡搜索引擎在增進人類知識方面所起的作用無可比擬,更不要說它在購物世界中所起的作用了。

The company possesses 8 , 000 square - meters of plant area , six printing presses such as german roland , various wine box production equipment , and more than 400 production workers in total 公司廠房面積8000平方米,擁有6臺印刷設備如德國羅蘭,酒盒生產設備等,工人400多名。

Beginning in the 13th century , though , the mechanical clock initiated a revolution equivalent to the one engendered by the later invention by gutenberg of the printing press 但是,自13世紀起,機械鐘引發了一場革命,對歷史的影響相當于后來古騰堡活字印刷術引發的革命。

Other than the catholic truth society , the diocese should encourage and support other printing press in the church to publish books of greater variety concerning faith 除公教真理學會外,教區亦應鼓勵及支援教會內的其他出版機構出版更多不同類型的信仰書籍。

During the middle ages before the invention of printing presses , every letter of a word had to be painstakingly transcribed by hand for each copy of a published book 中世紀時印刷機尚未發明,要出版一本書,每一個單詞的每一個字母都得用手工辛苦的刻出來。

Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20 countries . a product specification brochure is enclosed 本公司生產的一系列印刷機,獲二十多個國家的公司采用.隨函附上產品規格說明說,謹供參考

If so , one of the most visible products of gutenberg ' s movable type would expire eight years short of the printing press ' s 600th anniversary 如果真是這樣的話,古騰堡的活字印刷制造的最廣為人知的產品將在印刷機發明600周年還差8年時從地球上消失。

You know , the people wanted to control things did n ' t like books , the people who wanted to sell high - priced hand written things did n ' t like the printing press 當然有書就產生了問題。當時人們想要控制書本,想高價出賣手寫體的人不喜歡印刷品。

The art , process , or business of producing printed material by means of inked type and a printing press or by similar means 印刷術,印刷業通過接觸壓印或類似方式,將油墨從印刷表面轉移到紙或布上的圖像復制過程、工藝或行業

Printing presses , the main capital outlay for newspapers , last for decades and are depreciating peacefully with little need for new cash 印刷機是報紙出版商主要的資金支出項目,它能用幾十年,慢慢變舊而不需投入新的資金。

In the first 10 months of 2003 nielsen media research counted around 1 , 000 tv and printed press advertising campaigns featuring children 在此期間,意大利所有媒體上以兒童為主要目標對象的廣告花費達4 . 83億歐元。

And so it ' s fair to say what ' s going on today is like the arrival of the printing press , or the telephone or the radio 而且因此它是公平說正在繼續進行今天的東西像印刷報章雜志的抵達,或電話或收音機的。

The invention of the printing press by johannes gutenberg in 1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing - and piracy - of books 1436年johannes gutenberg發明的活字印刷術大大簡化了書本的印刷和盜版。

Skeptics should take note of the effect the printing press had on the medieval illuminated manuscript 對此持懷疑態度的人應該注意到,印刷機對于中世紀手抄業帶來的影響其實也是與此類似的一種發展。

The printing press is either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse of modern times ; one sometimes forgets which 報紙不是當代最大的福音,就是最大的詛咒;人們有時忘了到底是那個

In 2004 , we have installed an additional binding line and have invested in two sets of 5 - color printing presses 在2004年,我們添置了一套精裝連動生產線及兩臺五色印刷機。

Study on system architecture amp; amp; its realization scheme of distributed collaborative virtual prototyping for printing press 印刷機分布式虛擬樣機系統及實現策略研究

Study on system architecture amp; its realization scheme of distributed collaborative virtual prototyping for printing press 印刷機分布式虛擬樣機系統及實現策略研究

There are not any newspapers today because all the printing presses are out of service with no electricity 今天沒有報紙,由于沒有電,所有的印刷機都停止使用了。